Why You Should Hire A Construction Litigation Attorney Before A Lawsuit

Construction disputes can be complex and often times involve a wide range of issues that full under commercial litigation.

The most common kinds of construction disputes usually involve breach of contract and construction defects. Breach of contract disputes in contstruction can arise from:

  • Errors in the contract
  • Failing to meet obligations that were laid out in the contract

If your construction business is facing a lawsuit, an experience construction litigation can assist you with proper representation.

4 Negative Outcomes of a Construction Lawsuit

1. Fines

If your company has been found liable in a construction lawsuit, you may have to pay a substantial fine that can greatly impact your business.

2. Project Delays

A pending lawsuit can slow or even halt work on current projects until the dispute has been settled. These delays in processes can lead to significant monetary losses for the company.

3. More Conflicts

A disturbance during a construction project completion can give rise to numerous other complications and conflicts. Since construction projects are typically huge, different parties can be involved in a single project. Therefore, a small conflict can result in even more issues among the various parties.

4. Damaged Reputation

Being on the losing end of a construction lawsuit can damage a company’s reputation in an industry where it is extremely important.

Why You Should Hire An Attorney Before A Conflict Arises

It is ideal to hire a construction litigation attorney during the initial construction period rather than getting them on board when a conflict has surfaced.

The major benefit of having an attorney on board prior to project commencement is that all of the parties will be on the same page at the time of signing the contract. Therefore, there will be limited chances of any disputes to arise in the later stages of the project. If a dispute arises, an experienced construction attorney can assist in resolving in a more timely and effective manner.

A construction litigation attorney can also help to negotiate an accurate liquidated damage clause by reviewing all the relevant documents and identifying the points that can aid opposing sides beforehand. This identification will help them to prepare for the case accordingly in case a dispute arises.

You Can Rely On Lydecker For Construction Disputes

At Lydecker, commercial litigation is our specialty. Our skilled Miami construction attorneys have years of experience in successfully handling construction disputes in Florida, and throughout the country. Contact us for a legal consultation today.

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