Bar and Court Admissions
- Florida
- United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida
- United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida
- United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit
- United States Supreme Court
Publications and Presentations
- Small Bites: Obesity Lawsuits Prepare to Take on the Fast Food Industry, Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, 15 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 153 (2004)
- Do’s and Don’ts of Motions for New Trials Based on Closing Argument in the Trial Court and on Appeal, Dade County Bar Appellate Court Committee Fall Seminar (2017)
- Retroactive Application of Law to Cases Pending on Appeal, The Record, Florida Bar Appellate Section (2018)
- Appellate Motion Practice, Florida Bar Basic Appellate Practice CLE (2019)
- Retroactive Application of the Law to Cases Pending on Appeal, The Florida Bar CLE (2020)
- Municipal Charter Review, Florida Municipal Attorney’s Association (2021)
- Retroactive Application of Law to Pending Appeals, Appellate Practice Series/Guardian Ad Litem Seminar CLE (2022)
- Practicing Before the Third District Court of Appeal Seminar (2022)
Professional and Community Involvement
- Florida Bar Appellate Practice Certification Committee, Past Chair
- Florida Bar Grievance Committee, Past Chair
- Florida Bar Basic Appellate Practice CLE, Presenter – 2019
- Florida Bar Appellate Section, Member
- Florida Bar State and Local Government, Member
- Miami-Dade County Charter Review Task Force – 2017-2018, Member
- Florida Bar Traffic Rules Committee, 2010-2015, Member
Significant Representations & Experience
Forrest has been involved in various cases involving complex issues of law. Some of these representative cases include:
- Represented real estate agency against claim that it failed to exercise reasonable care in preventing buyer’s money from being wired to a fraudulent account.
- Represented real estate agent against claim that she failed to secure a properly executed residential lease.
- Represented law firm against legal malpractice claim that it failed to draft a settlement agreement including multiple residential properties.
- Represented law firm against legal malpractice claim alleging that it failed to file a timely lawsuit on behalf of its client.
- Represent attorney against legal malpractice claim alleging he failed to file a timely post-conviction motion on behalf of incarcerated client.
- Represented real estate association and board member against defamation claim filed by its President.
- Represented attorney against claim alleging that he failed to set aside patent broker’s commission.
- Represented the State of Florida in multi-million dollar lawsuit involving directors and officers of insolvent insurance carrier.
- Represented directors and officers against claim that they failed to pay broker’s commission after it secured purchaser of the company’s assets.
Professional and Community Involvement
- Florida Bar Appellate Practice Certification Committee, Past Chair
- Florida Bar Grievance Committee, Past Chair
- Florida Bar Appellate Section, Member
- Florida Bar State and Local Government, Member
- Miami-Dade County Charter Review Task Force – 2017-2018, Member
- Florida Bar Traffic Rules Committee, 2010-2015, Member