(305) 416-3180

Lydecker Summer Law Clerk Program

2024 Summer Law Clerk Program

Every summer, Lydecker hires law students who have completed their first and second years of law school to clerk in our offices in Florida, New Jersey, and California.  The Summer Law Clerk Program in most offices begins mid-May and runs through the end of July.

Each Law Clerk is assigned to a practice group and a mentor for the summer. These mentors offer instruction, feedback on assignments, assimilation into the firm, and encouragement throughout the summer. The summer Law Clerk will have the opportunity to work on a wide range of legal research and writing assignments, including drafting answers, motions, discovery, and might be invited to attend a deposition, mediation, court hearing, or trial.

Our goal with our Summer Law Clerk Program is to provide each law student as much exposure as possible to the real-world practice of civil defense litigation and to allow this experience to serve as a stepping-stone for possible employment with our firm post-graduation.

We Aren’t All Work and No Play!

At Lydecker, we work hard – but we also know how to relax!  During the summer, Law Clerks will participate in several social and engaging activities.  Past events have included volunteering for local charities, family cookouts, happy hours, boating with Richard Lydecker, bowling, attending professional sporting events, and the Firm’s Annual Beach Buzz.

Apply for Summer Law Clerk Program

We begin accepting applications for the Summer Law Clerk program for Summer 2024 on February 15.  Interviews will be conducted during March; selections will be made by April 1st.

For more information or to apply, please submit your cover letter, resume, and writing sample to Careers@Lydecker.com.

For specific questions about the Summer Law Clerk Program, please contact our Director of Talent Acquisition Emily Branch at EBranch@Lydecker.com.

Media Contact: Marketing Department [305-416-3180] [marketing@lydecker.com]