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Congratulations to Lydecker Partner, Debbie Maken, on the publication of her insightful article in the March/April 2024 edition of The Florida Bar Journal!

“ALIGNING APPELLATE STANDARDS OF REVIEW TO MATCH THE CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY INTERESTS IMPLICATED IN A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS PROCEEDING” dives into the critical intersection of appellate standards matching the constitutional liberties implicated.

Debbie’s extensive knowledge regarding parental rights and her dedication to the appellate craft and scholarship shine in this piece. We are incredibly proud to have her as part of the Lydecker team!

Join us in celebrating Debbie’s achievement and read the article at the following link:


#ParentalRights #AppellateStandards #FloridaBarJournal #Congratulations #LydeckerTeam #LegalExpertise #Lydecker #LydeckerLLP